Philippe Chung


Philippe Chung is a student in photography at Ecole Nationale Supérieure Louis-Lumière. His main interests revolve around the street, and how to approach the personal in the public space. He also likes to combine a cinematic, singular style with street photography and portraiture: it’s by adding distance or depth, that he puts the emphasis on the individual, and depicts an intimate moment from reality.


A photograph from the series New York In Between at Les Salons de la Mort IV, 24B gallery (Paris), April 2024

Diptych « A travers la jetée » at Les Salons de l’Amour V, Remèdes gallery (Paris), February 2024

Series New York In Between for « Texture in Focus », Fülle gallery, Buenos Aires, October 2023

Meet Young Artist (MYA) Festival, 2023 (Ville-d’Avray)

Trieste Photo days 2022 : « WOW : Worlds of Women » with the participation of Susan Meiselas. Series « The Ghost in her Mind » at Sala Xenia, from 28th of October to 13th of November 2022

Castle of Ancenis, summer 2022 for the local contest « Mon quartier ». Displaying of two photographs from my series « Périphérie »

Trieste Photo Days 2021 : « Tales of the Unwritten ». Exhibition with of one of my photograph at Biblioteca Statale Stelio Crise.       @reventp